I’d been meaning to slap a new coat of paint on the old Roulette Studios website for sometime now. After all, hundreds of projects have passed through the studio doors since the RS website was last updated. Then lately I started thinking it would be nice to have a studio blog - a place to showcase new projects & news, share art techniques and cool design finds. That led to my musing how great running a studio web store would be, just some tiny corner bodega where original art and rare items from the studio vault could make their way into the hands of collectors. It was clear, the time to update the old site had come - but there was a hitch - the old Roulette Studios website frankly didn’t have the bones for such a build. I would have to rebuild… and with that, this spiffy new home for the studio was constructed.
Launching the site under my own name and not pitching the tent 100% under the Roulette Studio banner seemed like a no-brainer as I wanted to showcase personal projects as well as client projects. You might say I enjoy mixing business with pleasure. I have lots of ideas for this blog, and I’ll keep the store stocked with new items as current items are sold, so bookmark us and check back when the whim hits. We’ll be waiting for you.
Until then, thank you for visiting the new digs and help yourself to a drink from the celebration bar, as this is one place where the ‘NO SHOES, NO SHIRT = NO SERVICE’ policy is never enforced. -KC
Top picture: “Bashing Myself” scratch-board 3” x 4” silkscreen print.
The image was referenced from William Radam’s 1887 ‘MICROBE KILLER’ patent-medicine trademark/logo (original on the right). Radam proclaimed the oral medicine a sure-fire “Germ, Bacteria & Fungus Destroyer” but it contained nothing more than water mixed with pot-ash and sulphuric acid(!) The ‘medicine’ might have been a dicey gamble, but every bottle had this killer graphic trademark embossed right on the glass. And yes, pun intended.